Swing doors

Penduñum. They are flexible double doors, usually plastic, that open by themselves to be pushed by a car-truck-laubched- abd may or not may closed themselves automatically. The clamping force is adjustable.

Load support

In the form of metal grid, it is installed and framing the Carriage is to protect the driver of the truck in case of fall merchandise, especially when it comes to genres small volume that can fall to tilt the mast.

Preselector heights

Avoid the driver of the truck need to adjust the height of the fork to the desired level. With this advice and using a botton, the desired level is memorized. It is a very useful auxiliary device in the management of large trucks to travel heights.

Mezzanine shelving for picking

Structuresby way of floors, installed in the transfer aisle between two consecutive rows of shelves and to facilitate decision hand genre located at different levels. Generally the aisles for the preparation of orders and intended to stock the shelves with forklifts, are often different.