The objective of this service is the evaluation of our clients, their systems or procedures, for this, we accomplish a series of standards that essentially ensure our capacity, objectivity and independence, in order to verify that the audited company works in accordance with internal and external regulations corresponding to the sector in question, also diagnosing the needs for corrections to be made.

The main objective of a warehouse logistics audit is to assess current and future conformity, and to achieve this, we analyse current inflations and processes, in order to detect and correct possible existing deficiencies, and at the same time know future concerns of the company.

The scope of a logistics audit usually includes the following aspects:

  • Inventory of current facilities and equipment.
  • Study by areas of warehouse operations: entrances, locations, replenishments, orders preparation, expeditions and specific areas of each plant.
  • Analysis of the different elements that compose each of the areas.
  • Procedures and rules of operation and productivity, in short, its personnel organization chart and technical resources.
  • Assessment of the different studied areas, diagnosing detected deficiencies.
  • Exploration of the own conclusions and, in the case that the client requests it, prepare the proposal of correct measures.

We apply lean methodology to our internal processes; this allows us to guarantee that we analyse the entire flow of the company.

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